Pools that implement both StakePool and WithdrawStakePool.
Should have no overlap with stakePools
and withdrawStakePools
PublicKeys of all accounts of all pools, deduped
Same as jupiter's. For refreshing pools.
-1, it will not fetch when shouldFetch == false
0, it will fetch everytime
A duration in ms, the time interval between AMM accounts refetch, recommendation for a UI 20 seconds
Defaults to 0
Simply console.errors account load errors instead of throwing.
Defaults to false
Pools that only implement StakePool
Pools that only implement WithdrawStakePool;
If withdraw stake route, the withdraw stake instruction will be added to setupTransaction. This means its possible for unstake to fail and user to end up with a stake account
Sets this.poolsAccountsToUpdate to deduped list of all required accounts for StakePools and WithdrawStakePools. Call this if this.stakePools or this.withdrawStakePools change for some reason.
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