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Interface ComputeRoutesParams


  • ComputeRoutesParams



amountLamports: bigint

The amount in lamports to be unstaked. Should be <= stakeAccount.lamports. If < stakeAccount.lamports, a stake split instruction will be added to the setup instructions

asLegacyTransaction?: boolean

Produces a legacy transaction (Ledger currently doesn't support Versioned Transaction)

currentEpoch?: number

Current epoch. If not provided, computeRoutes() will call getEpochInfo() to fetch it

forceFetch?: boolean

Same as jupiter.computeRoutes() 's forceFetch: If true, refetches all jup accounts and stake pool accounts

Default to false

jupFeeBps?: number

Optional additional fee to charge on jup swaps, passed as feeBps to jupiter.computeRoutes()

Defaults to undefined

shouldIgnoreRouteErrors?: boolean

Silently ignore routes where errors were thrown during computation such as failing to fetch required accounts.

Defaults to true

slippageBps: number

In basis point (0 - 10_000)

stakeAccount: AccountInfo<{ info: { meta: { authorized: { staker: PublicKey; withdrawer: PublicKey }; lockup: { custodian: PublicKey; epoch: number; unixTimestamp: number }; rentExemptReserve: BN }; stake: null | { creditsObserved: number; delegation: { activationEpoch: BN; deactivationEpoch: BN; stake: BN; voter: PublicKey; warmupCooldownRate: number } } }; type: "initialized" | "uninitialized" | "delegated" | "rewardsPool" }>

The stake account to be unstaked

stakePoolsToExclude?: StakePoolsToExclude

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