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Interface ExchangeParams


  • ExchangeParams



asLegacyTransaction?: boolean

Produces a legacy transaction (Ledger currently doesn't support Versioned Transaction)

assumeAtasExist?: boolean

Set to true to exclude checking against on-chain data to determine whether the user has the required associated token accounts for an unstake, including wrapped SOL.

Defaults to false

feeAccounts?: FeeAccounts

Token account to receive optional additional fee on jup swaps when jupFeeBps is set on computeRoutes() and referral fees on StakePools

A route returned by computeRoutes()

splitStakeAccount?: PubkeyFromSeed

Optionally pass in a precomputed PubkeyFromSeed to serve as the split stake account for partial unstakes to avoid computing one live by checking against on-chain data

stakeAccount: AccountInfo<{ info: { meta: { authorized: { staker: PublicKey; withdrawer: PublicKey }; lockup: { custodian: PublicKey; epoch: number; unixTimestamp: number }; rentExemptReserve: BN }; stake: null | { creditsObserved: number; delegation: { activationEpoch: BN; deactivationEpoch: BN; stake: BN; voter: PublicKey; warmupCooldownRate: number } } }; type: "initialized" | "uninitialized" | "delegated" | "rewardsPool" }>

Fetched on-chain data of the stake account to unstake

stakeAccountPubkey: PublicKey

Pubkey of the stake account to unstake

user: PublicKey

Withdraw authority of the stake account to unstake

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