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Interface WithdrawStakeQuote


  • WithdrawStakeQuote




result?: { additionalRentLamports: bigint; outputDummyStakeAccountInfo: AccountInfo<{ info: { meta: { authorized: { staker: PublicKey; withdrawer: PublicKey }; lockup: { custodian: PublicKey; epoch: number; unixTimestamp: number }; rentExemptReserve: BN }; stake: null | { creditsObserved: number; delegation: { activationEpoch: BN; deactivationEpoch: BN; stake: BN; voter: PublicKey; warmupCooldownRate: number } } }; type: "initialized" | "uninitialized" | "delegated" | "rewardsPool" }>; stakeSplitFrom: PublicKey }

If undefined, not enough liquidity for withdrawal

Type declaration

  • additionalRentLamports: bigint

    Any additional SOL that needs to be paid as rent-exempt fees for the stake account to be created. TECH DEBT: in the future, withdrawStake might pay rent for other accounts too not just the stake account - idk some exotic stake pool program that records withdrawals in on-chain accounts.

  • outputDummyStakeAccountInfo: AccountInfo<{ info: { meta: { authorized: { staker: PublicKey; withdrawer: PublicKey }; lockup: { custodian: PublicKey; epoch: number; unixTimestamp: number }; rentExemptReserve: BN }; stake: null | { creditsObserved: number; delegation: { activationEpoch: BN; deactivationEpoch: BN; stake: BN; voter: PublicKey; warmupCooldownRate: number } } }; type: "initialized" | "uninitialized" | "delegated" | "rewardsPool" }>
  • stakeSplitFrom: PublicKey

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